Mirror of files censored on xenu.net
I'm sorry to report that the documents previously available here had to be
taken offline.
See Scientology vs. the Internet for more details.
In Switzerland, Beatrice Pfister and Krneta & Partner are working for Scientology.
(An enemy) may be robbed of posessions or done injustice to, with all means by any
Scientologist, without any disciplinary action against the Scientologist (...) can
be deceived, subpoenad, lied to or destroyed'. And: 'The purpose of a suit is more
to exhaust and discourage than to win. Never defend. Always attack. (...) Start a
discrediting PR-campagne to destroy a person's reputation, and to discredit him so
thoroughly that he'll be shunned. The law can easily be used to fatigue a person,
and enough fatigue (...) is usually enough to cause professional death (...)
If possible, ruin him completely.
If you think this is an exaggeration or that an organization could never get away with
such practices today in Switzerland, put a copy of this page on your own server (content hereby
put in public domain) and wait a couple of weeks until it's found through search engines.
You will be getting phone calls from various people, thanking you for publishing your
home address (get the hint?). Next, the entire management of the company you work for will
be getting emails and phone calls regarding your little project. Then you'll be getting
letters from law firms threatening lawsuits. When you consult a lawyer, he might ask you
whether you're prepared to get your home searched by the police because someone
anonymously accused you of collecting child pornography, or to see your cat dissappear.
Don't believe me? Try it and see for yourself.